
Bee Paradise


  • County: Växjö
  • 6809.61 km away from you
0 of 5 stars — (see reviews)



Biparadiset (Bee Paradise) is the only place of its kind in Sweden. When regiment I11 was discontinued, its old gravel pitch was transformed into a dazzling midsummer night's dream. Bluebells and pasqueflowers were planted. A reflecting pool and mounds of earth were created. Today, these attract wild bees searching for nectar and pollen. So far, more than 80 species have been identified, including rarities such as the large shaggy bee and the large scabious mining bee. The purple emperor butterfly and the poplar admiral butterfly are observed on a regular basis as are the various Burnet moths. Hawthorn, willow, mountain arnica and bird's foot treefoil are common plants. The area is also visitor friendly with information signs and accessible walkway. Around Biparadiset, grazing animals play a helpful role in conservation and keeping the landscape open.

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Activities And Facilities

  • Valuable nature Valuable nature
  • Archaeological Archaeological
  • Botanical site Botanical site
  • Children's adventure Children's adventure
  • Entrance Entrance
  • Fauna Fauna
  • Firesite Firesite
  • Information Information
  • Parking Parking
  • Bench table Bench table
  • Toilet Toilet
  • Trash Trash


  • Near parking Near parking
  • Near toilet Near toilet
  • Stroller accessible Stroller accessible
  • Wheelchair accessible Wheelchair accessible


Stor grusparkering och cykelställ


Biparadiset ligger i norra delen av Bokhultets naturreservat, längs Sundetvägen.



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