Just five kilometres from the main community of Gällivare the summit of Dundret rises to 820 metres a s l. Here you can experience the plants and wildlife of the bare mountain at the same time as you enjoy a fantastic panorama. There are hiking trails, ski tracks, snowmobile trails, wind shelters, latrines and stopover cabins. From the summit of Dundret, on a clear day you can see both Sarek and Kebnekaise. The midnight sun can be observed from Dundret between 5 June and 11 July. Parts of Dundret have been adapted for accessibility. There is a gravelled trail leading up to a cabin at the summit with a stopover site and latrine. The trail starts at a car park. The area is 5.2 square kilometres in size.
There are two ways in from the E45. Both are signposted towards Dundret. One road leads into the ski slopes and lift system. The other road is called andra the road kallas "femman road" and leads up to the car park near the summit. The Länstrafiken bus between Gällivare and Jokkmokk stops on road 45, north of Dundret.
Activities And Facilities
- Nature reserve
Kommun: Gällivare
Bildat år: 1970
Storlek: 52 kvadratkilometer
Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen
Skyddsform: Naturreservat, Natura 2000
There is a car park down at the E45 and inside the nature reserve, not far from the TV mast on the summit.
There are two ways in from the E45. Both are signposted to Dundret. One road leads into the ski slopes and lift system. The other road is called "femman-vägten" (the five-road) and leads up to the car park near the summit. The Länstrafiken bus between Gällivare and Jokkmokk stops on road 45, north of Dundret.
Dundret ligger fem kilometer sydväst om Gällivare samhälle. Berget syns från stan. Det finns två vägar in från E45. Båda är skyltade mot Dundret. En väg leder in till skidbackar och liftsystem. Den andra vägen kallas "femman-vägen" och leder upp till parkeringen närmare toppen. För eventuell kollektivtrafik till Dundret, kontakta Gällivare turistinformation.
Alla föreskrifter finns i reservatsbeslutet. Det är tillåtet att tälta, göra upp eld, köra skoter på markerad led när marken är väl snötäckt, plocka bär och matsvamp samt fiska i enlighet med gällande lagar.
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