Rastplats Hedasjön
- Regio: Kronobergs län
- 6810.48 km van u vandaan
This is a nice rest area on the shore of Hedasjön. This hidden gem is only a short drive, or walk, from road 28. If you really want to it is possible to go for a swim, but if you like a little higher standard on your beaches we recommend you to drive the short distance to Boskvarnasjön’s beach or Änghultasjön’s beach.
If you're hiking on Vildmarksleden will you pass by this resting area.
Activiteiten en faciliteiten
Bank tafel
The rest area is in the quite small Kulla’s nature reserve which is an area with almost untouched nature. The trees are older here than in the area around the reserve. In the northern parts of the reserve can you see very old aspen trees and the remains from an old fence. This gives us a hint that the area hasn’t always been a forest and that it used to be a pasture.
OBS The firewood on the resting area is private
Park carefully along the small gravel road leading up to the nature reserve. Bear in mind to never block any road, no matter how small!
There is no sign leading up to the nature reserve or the resting area. There is a small gravel road that heads west from road 28 almost where the sing for Ösjöbol is (but that road goes the other way!). Take that small road and immediately turn right. Follow that road for about 1 km (and pass the little red house). After the little red house will the road divide into to roads. This is were you turn right and go pass (under or besides whatever suits you) the road barrier. Follow that road for about 200 metres and you will reach the rest area.
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