
Cykla i Linnés hembygd


0 von 5 Sternen — (siehe Bewertungen)

Details zum Weg

  • Länge 26.0 km
  • Schwierigkeit Grün - einfach



A varied route that is easy to cycle, taking you through attractive country-side packed with history. Seven nature reserves and a culture reserve on one cycle trail must be a record, surely?

Route description: One suggestion is to start at Linné’s Råshult with its unique cultural landscape and garden café. Cycle east and enjoy the beautiful bridge over Såganässjön lake. Here you might see canoeists on the Helge Å canoe trail. In Såganäs you’ll find a beach and canoe stop. Continue north through the Småland countryside until you reach Diö. Here you’ll find Diö Pizzeria, the historic Funkis-fabriken, a former factory, and the old Diö station building. From Diö, the route heads west towards the farmland of Östra Tångarne. Continue even further out to Höö Nature Reserve. Höö preserves the old haymaking traditions and is a haven for different unusual plans. Cycle back and continue south for a shortcut to Stenbrohult. On the bend, where there are three birdboxes on a small barn, the shortcut heads off on a forest path that you may need to walk your bike along. Once in Stenbrohult, cycle west towards Möckelsnäs. On the way, you’ll pass Taxås Nature Reserve. The wonderful manor house in Möckelsnäs is said to date back to the 14th century and could be the ideal place to recharge your batteries amongst the relaxing manorial splendour. Accommodation, food and coffee are offered here. Take the beautiful route back and be extra careful about the traffic between Stenbrohult and the railway bridge. A beautiful detour through Stockanäs nature reserve takes you down to Sällhult. You may need to walk your bike along some stretches here. Take Getaryggarna back to Råshult or follow the signed Råshult Tour south to Älmhult (8 km).

Get here by public transport

Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen

  • Radfahren Radfahren
  • Rundslinga Rundslinga


Blandat - allt från en kort sträcka på asfalterad 80-väg till mindre skogsstig.


Kommer du till området med cykeln bak på bilen går det bra att ställa den på t.ex. Linnés Råshults parkering.


Krösatågen som stannar i Diö accepterar cyklar på tågen i mån av plats och mot en cykelbiljett.



Älmhults turistinformation


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