
STF Kårsavagge Fjällstuga


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Payment by card is accepted at STF Kårsavagge mountain cabin. Swish service depending on type of subscription.

Whether the ghost rumours are true, we don’t know, but John Bauer got the inspiration for his trolls on the way to Kårsavagge Valley.

The area around the cabin is easily hiked, though if you want to go out of the valley, the climbing is essentially strenuous in every direction, if you don’t return towards Abisko. A few challenging routes go from STF Kårsavagge to Låktatjåkkå cabin. You can go over the ridge southeast to STF Abiskojaure on Kungsleden (Royal Trail). Visit the Kårsajökeln, a glacier with endless moraines and a beautiful delta.

This is how it works in a mountain cabin
Our mountain cabins offer a simple and authentic stay in multi-bedded rooms with self catering. The rooms are different sizes with bunk beds and usually heated by gas stoves. On site you will be greeted by a cabin manager. As a guest you chop wood, fetch water from the stream or lake, wash up and clean up after youself.

Here we have gathered all the information you need for a stay in one of our mountain cabins https://www.swedishtouristassociation.com/stfmountaincabin

Get here by public transport


    981 07 Kårsavagge


Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen

  • Unterkunft Unterkunft


Safety: An emergency shelter is open year-round. There is an emergency telephone.


STF Kårsavagge is an excellent excursion destination from STF Abisko Tourist Station those who want to spend the night in a mountain cabin. The distance between Abisko and Kårsavagge is about 14 km.

You can also get to STF Kårsavagge from Låktatjåkka Fjällstation, which is located on the mountain, about 10 km west of Björkliden. There are several paths between Låktatjåkka Fjällstation and Kårsavagge but no trail markings. The distance from Låktatjåkka Mountain Station is approx. 10 km.

The easiest way to get to Abisko is by taking a train or bus from Kiruna. If you are taking your own car, there is a long-term car park at the railway station near STF Abisko Tourist Station. Read more about how to get to Abisko: https://www.swedishtouristassociation.com/abisko

Please note that Kårsavagge and Kungsleden have different starting points. The trail starts approx. 500 meters from the bus stop, railway station and parking lot. Follow the car road towards the Abisko cable car and you will find the start of the trail when you have passed the bridge over Abiskojåkka.

Mountain map:
Calazo mountain map Kebnekaisefjällen



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