
STF Sitojaure Fjällstuga


0 von 5 Sternen — (siehe Bewertungen)



Socially structured, a Sámi village or siida is a reindeer foraging area, a group for reindeer herding and a corporation working for the economic benefit of its members all in one.

After a day in the mountains, many hikers take a dip in the shallow and warm lake – for the mountains.

You can do a nice outing to the outlook at Lulep Vaggevarasi, 732 m.a.s.l., and admire the terrific view over Lake Sitojaure. The peak can be easily reached from Kungsleden (Royal Trail), about 800 metres north of the mountain cabin.

At Sitojaure, you have mobile coverage with the operators that use Telia's network.

For a longer day tour, climb one of the peaks Tjirak or Tjiraksnjurte. Follow Kungsleden northward approximately three kilometres, turn north-west and go around the steep south and east sides of Tjirak. From here, you can look into Sarek to the west, the steep mountain sides down to Lake Sitojaure, and Ultevis’ virgin forests and bogs in the extended lakes to the west.

During the summer season, the Sámis have regular boat service on the lake for hikers who want to connect to and from Kungsleden at Svine on the southern beach. For more information about boat service, please see www.sitojaure.com/en/

There are no rowing boats on Lake Sitojaure.

This is how it works in a mountain cabin
Our mountain cabins offer a simple and authentic stay in multi-bedded rooms with self catering. The rooms are different sizes with bunk beds and usually heated by gas stoves. On site you will be greeted by a cabin manager. As a guest you chop wood, fetch water from the stream or lake, wash up and clean up after youself.

Here we have gathered all the information you need for a stay in one of our mountain cabins https://www.swedishtouristassociation.com/stfmountaincabin

Get here by public transport


    982 99 Sitojaure


Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen

  • Unterkunft Unterkunft


Säkerhet: Ett säkerhetsrum är öppet året om. Hjälptelefon finns.


STF Sitojaure is the first cabin on the Kungsleden trail between Saltoluokta and Kvikkjokk if you start in Saltoluokta. The distance to Saltoluokta is about 20 km. If you want to continue towards STF Aktse during the summer, you need to take the boat to continue. The boat departs from right by the cabin. You can also take a shuttle boat from STF Sitojaure west to the western part of Sitojaures if going to Sarek.

Read more about the boats at https://swedishtouristassociation.com/boats

It is easiest to get to Saltoluokta by bus from Gällivare. For more information on travel to Saltoluokta, see https://www.swedishtouristassociation.com/saltoluokta

Read more about Kungsleden Saltoluokta-Kvikkjokk

Mountain map:
Calazo mountain map Sarek & Padjelanta



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Svenska Turistföreningen


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