
Vandringsled Öudden


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Details zum Weg

  • Länge 6.0 km



From Ramundeboda cloister area there is a 3 km long, signed, hiking trail down to Lake Öudden. The hiking trail goes down towards the cloister ruins, past a bathing area and then onward north on a gravel road which runs parallel to the E20. You pass by Ramunder’s grave, a relic in the form of a pit where according to tradition the giant Ramunder lies buried. After 500 m on the gravel road, the trail turns off to the south and into the forest. A part of the trail goes over Önamossen by duck-board.

Önamossen comprises open marsh for the most part with white cushion moss down to Borasjön lake shore. Here dwarf mountain pine, water-arum, roselings, heather, cranberry, cottongrass and fragrant wild rosemary grow. Curlews sometimes play here in the spring. On Borasjön lake you can see arctic loons, fish terns and osprey. Ospreys build large nests in steady pines near the lake. By preference on some small island.

The whole of Öudden has high nature value. Here there is both valuable natural coniferous forest and remains of historic cultivation landscape with elements of coarse deciduous trees and well-established flora. There was a farm here previously, Öna, the lands of which were largely flooded when the lake was dammed at the beginning of the 1900s. According to the story the monks built a herb farm on Öudden during the time of the cloister. Here today one can find for example, lily of the valley, primulas, geraniums, cow wheat, meadow and field scabious, St John’s wort, hops, herb paris, baneberry and coarse deciduous trees e.g. rough oak. The area is nominated as a Key Biotope and the landowner, Sveaskog, have sectioned it off as an internal reserve.

Ramyndeboda is an exciting place, beautifully situated by Borasjön lake shore. Here on the border between Närke and Västergötland and Svealand and Götaland, was where the only Swedish cloister of the Antonin Order was located in the middle ages. Ramundeboda was also an important point in the traditional Eriksgata royal tour of the middle ages. Well into the 1800s travellers were able to stay overnight in the nearby inn. Ramundeboda church was also here for 200 years.

Borasjön is a shallow, moderately nutritious lake with a water turnover time of just under two months. The lake was dammed, probably to get a smoother water flow in the Ålands Canal that de-waters the lake towards Laxå in the north. The lake has been alkalised since the beginning of the 1980s and today the pH value lies about 6.0 but the alkalinity or buffer capacity is still weak. Pike, perch, roach and ruffe are the fish found in the lake. The lake is granted recreational fishing.

A fishing license is required. Purchase a fishing licence at ifiske.se

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