Pilgrim Trail

Söderköping - Gårdeby, Birgittaleden, St. Birgitta Ways

Pilgrim Trail

0 von 5 Sternen — (siehe Bewertungen)

Details zum Weg

  • Länge 20.3 km



Please note that this trail is not yet marked, but it is possible to follow the trail by using the digital map in your mobile phone. Some distances run on paved, 70 km/h low-traffic.


Söderköping is a summer town with much to see and do. St. Laurentii Church in Söderköping is a natural place to start a pilgrimage. Feel free to join in morning prayers or other services held there. Here, you can stamp your pilgrim pass and get information about pilgrim walks. You can order a pilgrim pass from the Pilgrim Center in Vadstena.

The walk goes along gravel roads by the Göta Canal before turning towards Gårdeby, where there are accommodation options. The stage is easy to walk, but the trail is unmarked in the field. (aug 2024)

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Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen

  • Wandern Wandern
  • Pilgrim Trail Pilgrim Trail




Har du frågor kring leddragningar eller intressepunkter på St. Birgitta Ways kartguide. Kontakta då Emanuel Eriksson på Pilgrimscentrum


Vadstena Pilgrimscentrum

+46 143 105 71


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