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This nature reserve has scattered infestations of spruce bark beetles. It means that there are a lot of dead standing spruces in the forest and along paths. The spruces may fall suddenly and without warning. Watch out and avoid visiting the nature reserve when it is windy.


Welcome to the Bellberget nature reserve.

Walk through a diverse natural area with spruce and deciduous forests and take a break by the water at the picnic area. You may just see the lesser spotted woodpecker here!

Parts of the reserve are characterised by limestone soils, which has given rise to a rich and diverse flora. The plentiful dead wood in the area provides favourable conditions for a range of interesting fungi, such as the rare violet chanterelle.

Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen

  • Naturschutzgebiet Naturschutzgebiet


Protected since: 2016

Size: 37 hectares

Character: coniferous forest, mixed forest and lake

Municipality: Norrtälje

Landowners: private and state

Administrator: County Administrative Board

Form of protection: nature reserve

Other : Natura 2000 area Bellberget SE0110145


The Bellberget nature reserve is located south-west of Lake Erken, in Norrtälje municipality. The easiest way to get here is by car via Katrineholmsvägen road. There is no designated parking lot.

The picnic area to the north can be reached by private boat.


In order to protect the Bellberget nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. dig, cut, drill or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
  2. fell or damage living or dead trees or bushes,
  3. damage vegetation by digging up plants.



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