- Landkreis: Stockholms län
- 6818.19 km von Ihnen entfernt
The Borgskogen nature reserve is located north of Lake Storsjön in Norrtälje municipality, and is made up of mostly untouched forest, with a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees. The rare three-toed woodpecker has been observed here.
A pine forest on exposed bedrock transitions into wet depressions with spruce and swamp forests. There is plenty of dead wood here where many rare and endangered fungi and lichens thrive.
The reserve is relatively inaccessible and there are no facilities for visitors apart from informational signs.
Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen
Protected since: 1995
Size: 37 hectares
Character: coniferous forest, mixed forest and swamp forest
Municipality: Norrtälje
Landowner: private
Administrator: County Administrative Board
Form of protection: nature reserve
Other: Natura 2000 area Borgskogen SE0110107
The Borgskogen nature reserve is located 7 km south-west of Hallstavik. There is no visitor parking lot.
In order to protect the Borgskogen nature reserve, please respect the following rules.
Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:
- destroy or damage rock, soil or stone by drilling, cutting, blasting, carving, digging, painting or similar,
- break branches, fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees and bushes, or damage the vegetation in general by digging up plants, such as shrubs, herbaceous plants, mosses, lichens or remove fungi growing on wood,
- disturb wildlife (e.g. by climbing nesting trees, trapping or killing mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians),
- trap and collect invertebrates,
- bring dogs that are not on a leash,
- camp,
- make a fire,
- put up a message board, placard, poster, sign or make inscriptions,
- operate motorised vehicles.
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