
Entré och parkering norr, Fysingen


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This parking lot is located next to Åshusby farm. The hiking trail starts here and it's about a half-kilometre walk along the trail to Nordian's Mound, a royal tomb from the Late Iron Age.

Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen

  • Eingang Eingang
  • Information Information
  • Parken Parken


  • Nähe eines Parkplatzes Nähe eines Parkplatzes

Getestet mit einem Rollstuhl

  • Stig från norra entrén
    Stig från norra entrén.
    Foto: Anders Andrae
  • Stig från norra entrén
    Stig från norra entrén.
    Foto: Anders Andrae


Protected since: 1984

Size: 184 hectares of which land 134 hectares

Character: lake, wetland, agricultural landscape and cultural environment

Municipality: Sigtuna

Landowners: state and private

Administrator: County Administrative Board

Form of protection : nature reserve


** By public transit: ** The nearest bus stop is Åshusby gård. To get there, take a bus from Märsta commuter rail station. It's about a 300 m walk to the entrance and parking lot from the bus stop. For information and timetables, see [] (

** By car **: From the E4 at the Rosersberg traffic junction, take exit 179 towards Norrsundavägen road. Drive north on Norrsundavägen road for a little over 3 km. Then, take the exit on the right towards Skånela, Långhundra, Arlanda. The road then crosses over the E4 and the railway. Take the first exit on the right for Åshusby V. Then keep left at the next T-junction. By the Oppgården horse stables, turn right towards Skånela. After about 250 m, take a slight right. The parking lot is about 60 m further.


In order to protect the Fysingen nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. destroy or damage permanent natural structures or surfaces by digging, drilling, cutting, blasting, carving, painting or similar,
  2. disturb wildlife (e.g. by climbing nesting trees, trapping or deliberately killing wild animals).
  3. bring dogs that are not on a leash,
  4. operate motorised vehicles outside of designated roads,
  5. park outside of designated parking areas,
  6. enter the bird protection area ("fågelskyddsområde" in Swedish) from April 1 - July 15.



Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm

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