- Landkreis: Stockholms län
- 6822.29 km von Ihnen entfernt
Prästskaten is a small nature reserve with a unique history. In the past, livestock was often moved between winter and summer pastures in Sweden. This area is the only known summer pasture to exist in Stockholm. A long history of grazing has led to an incredibly rich wildflower meadow, with species that are specially adapted to a bygone way of managing the land. The reserve also has several large oaks and pines.
A hiking trail takes you through the reserve and out to some nice lookout points by Hasselviken.
Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen
Protected since : 2019
Size: 6.6 hectares of which 5.8 hectares are land
Character: coniferous forest, mixed forest
Municipality: Norrtälje
Landowner: the state
Administrator: County Administrative Board
Form of protection: nature reserve
The Prästskaten nature reserve is located about 1 km north of Rotholma, next to Hasselviken, in Norrtälje municipality.
By car: There is no designated parking lot.
** By public transit: ** The nearest bus stop is Ängsgården, just south of Herräng and a 4.5 km walk from Prästskaten. For current bus lines and timetables, see [] (
In order to protect the Prästskaten nature reserve, please respect the following rules.
Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:
- dig, cut, blast or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
- fell or damage living or dead trees or bushes,
- damage the vegetation by digging up plants,
- dump garden waste,
- operate motorised vehicles.
Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm
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