Stora Alsjön
- Landkreis: Stockholms län
- 6817.49 km von Ihnen entfernt
Welcome to the Stora Alsjön nature reserve in Södertälje municipality. This is an excellent area for a pleasant hike through hilly, forested terrain. The reserve has multiple lakes, with the largest being Stora Alsjön and Lilla Horssjön. Go for a picnic and enjoy the scenic view over the water from the steep cliffs or from a picnic table by the beach.
The forests here have been largely left untouched. The bog and the old trees create a strong feeling of wildness. Since a large part of the forest has not been affected by modern forestry, many endangered species have made their homes here, including many rare fungi.
Section 12 of the Sörmlandsleden trail passes through the reserve. You can hike the blue-marked trail together with the orange-marked Sörmlandsleden trail to make a 4 km loop that will take you through the southern parts of the reserve.
Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen
By car: The reserve is located about 8 km west of Järna. Take Molstabergsvägen road to reach the parking lot, just west of the reserve.
By foot: Section 12 of the Sörmlandsleden trail, Vattgruvan–Yngsviken, passes through the reserve.
In order to protect the Stora Alsjön nature reserve, please respect the following rules.
Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:
- dig, cut, blast, or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
- fell or damage living or dead trees and bushes or remove dead wood,
- dig up plants such as shrubs, herbs, grasses, mosses or lichens or remove fungi growing on wood (it is permitted to pick flowers, berries and fungi),
- make a fire outside of designated sites,
- operate motorised vehicles off-road.
Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm
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