- Landkreis: Stockholms län
- 6821.82 km von Ihnen entfernt
The Stortjäran nature reserve is a perfect place for mushroom hunting—don't forget your fungi guidebook! The reserve consists of old, previously grazed mixed forests on limestone-rich soils—ideal conditions for many rare species of fungi, especially tooth fungi.
Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen
Protected since : 2016
Size : 26.8 hectares
Character : coniferous forest, mixed forest
Municipality : Norrtälje
Landowner : the state
Manager : County Administrative Board
Form of protection : nature reserve
The best way to get to the Stortjäran nature reserve is from Mörbyvägen road, on the western side of the reserve.
**By public transit:**The Stortjäran bus stop is about 500 m south of the reserve. For current information of public transit, see SL
In order to protect the Stortjäran nature reserve, please respect the following rules.
Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:
- dig, cut, blast or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
- fell or damage living or dead trees or bushes,
- damage the vegetation by digging up plants,
- camp for more than two consecutive nights in the same place,
- put up a sign, poster or similar.
Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm
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