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Take a walk through a peaceful, untouched forest without any trails. The forests of the Vågsjön nature reserve are mainly coniferous, with a little aspen and oak. There's a rich variety of lichens, mosses and fungi here, including the beautiful lichen, tree lungwort, as well as many rare fungi that grow on dead aspens.

There's a path from the parking lot by Erkenvägen road that takes you to the reserve, with an informational sign nearby. This path goes through hilly and difficult terrain. Once inside the reserve, you get to find your own way. There are no trails or other facilities.

Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen

  • Naturschutzgebiet Naturschutzgebiet


Protected since : 2005 extended 2011

Size : 51 hectares of which land 47 hectares

Character: coniferous forest, mixed forest, lake

Municipality: Norrtälje

**Landowners : Sveaskog, the state and private

Manager : County Administrative Board

Form of protection : nature reserve

Other : Natura 2000 area SE0110243


By public transit: Take the bus from Norrtälje to the Jersö vägskäl bus stop. Walk 2 km along Erkenvägen road until you reach the parking lot. A marked trail leads from the parking lot to the reserve. For current information on public transit, see You can also take a bus from Uppsala with UL from the Knutby bus stop, see

By car: From Route 76, at Jersö vägskäl, turn left onto Erkenvägen road. Drive 2 km until you reach the parking lot. If the lot is full, follow the road into the Hasselhorn nature reserve. There are multiple places to park there along the road.

Driving from the west? Take Route 280/Roslagsvägen. Between Sättraby and Edsbro, turn onto Kristineholmsvägen road and drive to Erkenvägen road. Follow Erkenvägen road to get to the parking lot.


In order to protect the Vågsjön nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. drill, cut, blast, carve, dig, paint or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
  2. break branches, fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees and bushes,
  3. dig up plants such as shrubs, herbaceous plants, mosses or lichens, or remove fungi growing on wood,
  4. put up a message board, placard, poster, sign or make inscriptions.

Read the complete reserve regulations at the County Administrative Board website (in Swedish).



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