Skidstadion anslutningsspår
- Landkreis: Västerbottens län
- 6655.74 km von Ihnen entfernt
Details zum Weg
- Länge 2.91693095 km
Status verfolgen
Neu zubereitet (Zubereitet 12 Mär 21:39)
The Moröhöjden lit track is a hilly 3 km trail that connects to Vitberget via a tunnel under the E4 near OKQ8. For those looking to ski longer distances, it is possible to enjoy a continuous 16 km of lit trails by combining Moröhöjden, Vitberget, the Ski Stadium, and Sjungande Dalen tracks. Difficulty: Hilly Style: Classic and skate Lighting: Yes, from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM Fee: No
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