Bamsrudlåven - Gårdsutsalg med lokalmat
- Landkreis: Viken
- 6492.86 km von Ihnen entfernt
Farm shop
Bamsrudlåven makes an award-winning milk ice cream and sorbets based on fresh local ingredients. The milk is from the neighbor's cows and the eggs are from the farm hens. They get fruit and berries from local producers. The desire to create a short-distance product from the farm's raw materials was a dream for a long time, and when a suitor came from a farm with milk production, the idea was hatched!
In the self-service farm shop you can buy the farm's own ice cream. In addition, eggs from the farm's free-range hens and products from other local suppliers. Here you can look into the production premises where the ice cream is made, and the opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee and ice cream in the yard.
The store is always open. Call or send an SMS to the number next to the door, and you will receive a code to the store.
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