The fishing season has started!
Summer is almost here and its time to get the fishing gear out and explore the waters in Älmhults kommun. There are many options, whether you want to fish in a small lake, a bigger lake or have a go in streaming water. Whatever you choose, we promise a great experience!
Fishing in Älmhult
Fishing is only allowed with a fishing permit which can be purchased in several places in Älmhult and online at Most lakes have boat ramps for easy access and in some there are smaller boats for hire. Its important to wear a life vest when on and near water. You can borrow life vests free of charge from servicecenter in Älmhult kommuns main office in central Älmhult. They are available both in child and adult sizes.
Good to know
Some species of fish, like "malen" (a type of catfish/Silurus), is not permitted to catch. Some others are only permitted to fish during certain times of the year. Its your responsibility as a fisher to check what rules apply in the water where you go fishing. Also keep in mind that if you use a boat you need to clean it carefully before putting it into the water. This is to avoid spreading of invasive plants between the lakes.
Tips from a pro fisher
We asked for a top fishing tip from one of the local fishing pros, Christian Krintel. He runs the fishing guide company Swedfishing AB.
- You need to get up early for a good catch. Its not enough with 8 in the morning, the best time is at dawn in the early hours of the day.
Find your favourite spot for fishing in Älmhult
You find the different fishing areas here in Naturkartan. For each area there is a short description and links to fishing permits.
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