Old Åminne and Källunda
- County: Jönköpings län
- 6748.77 km away from you
Remains and foundations from the old ironworks, located on the south-eastern shore of Lake Källunda. The ironworks was founded in 1826 by Carl Danckwardt and produced iron ploughs, cartwheels, stoves and much more. The works was dependent on iron ore, which was transported by horse and cart from Vidöstern.
Activities And Facilities
From Värnamo take road 27 towards Gothenburg/Varberg. In Kärda turn left towards Kärdavägen road and drive straight ahead until you reach a T-junction; turn right at this junction. Continue straight ahead for some distance until you reach another T-junction; turn right at that junction and then turn left at the first exit a short distance after the junction to reach the destination.
Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun Kyrktorget 1, 331 83 Värnamo Telefon 0370-37 70 00 www.varnamo.se
Email address
Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun
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