Pilgrim Trail

Jönköping - Kaxholmen, Franciskusleden, S:t Birgitta Ways

Pilgrim Trail

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Trail details

  • Length 17.4 km
  • Difficulty Green - simple



Jönköping is the perfect start for a week's pilgrimage to Vadstena. For the pilgrim, there are many places to meet here. The Church of Sweden has a lively pilgrimage culture in both Sofia Church and Kristine Church. There are also Franciscan brothers here.

St. Birgitta Ways runs along the pilgrim route Franciskusleden which runs near Lake Vättern. Wander out of the noise of the city along the Rosenlundsbankarna. At Brunnstorpsbadet there is an underpass under the motorway. The trail also goes through the Eastern Vätter Biosphere Reserve - one of five biosphere reserves in Sweden. Here you can walk in a living countryside full of biological diversity with many unique places to stop at as a pilgrim. For those with stamina, Vista hill is a lookout worth the effort.

Read more here: www.franciskusleden.se www.ostravatterbrantera.se

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Activities And Facilities

  • Hiking Hiking
  • Pilgrim Trail Pilgrim Trail




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Vadstena Pilgrimscentrum

+46 143 105 71


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