Footpath in Skräddarebo
- County: Jönköpings län
- 6764.55 km away from you
Trail details
- Length 2.0 km
- Difficulty Green - simple
Welcome to Skräddarebo open-air recreation area! Here, the municipality of Värnamo has created a beautiful lake with an impressive shelter and benches to rest on. Around the lake is a 1,6 km long footpath that also connects the lake with the community of Bor. This footpath is flat and accessible. Walk, hike, jog, roll or cycle in the beautiful surroundings. There is also a 3.8 km mountain bike track adjacent to the lake.
Activities And Facilities
- Hiking
- Mountainbiking
- Walking
There is parking for a small number of cars where the footpath starts in Bor.
The footpath starts at the car park in the southern part of the community.
Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun Kyrktorget 1, 331 83 Värnamo Telefon 0370-37 70 00
Email address
Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun
Organization logotype
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