Pump track in Kärda
- County: Jönköpings län
- 6748.11 km away from you
Trail details
- Length 0.25 km
In Kärda there is a pump track course with most features packed into a small area where you can practise your balance and have fun on your bike. On a pump track, you use your body weight to pump and increase your speed. Nearby there is a barbecue area and the Kärda Multiarena
Activities And Facilities
- Mountainbiking
You can park your car at the club cottage at Sträntevallen. The pump track is below the hill, on the other side of the multi-area.
The pump track is located at the Kärda multi-arena, next to Sträntevallen.
Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun Kyrktorget 1, 331 83 Värnamo Telefon 0370-37 70 00 www.varnamo.se
Email address
Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun
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