Northern Lunden round
- County: Kalmar län och Öland
- 6932.54 km away from you
Trail details
- Length 3.9 km
Stroll under the strong crowns of the oaks. In spring, the birdsong is deeper than the greenery.
Hiking the 3.9-kilometre Norra Lundleden trail will take you right through Norra Lunden. Here you can hear the magical fluttering song of the summer warbler from May to June. The collared flycatcher and the lesser flycatcher can also be heard singing in the North Grove. You will also walk along the places where the forest meets the neighbouring meadows and pastures. There the forest is more open and many interesting plants can be found.
Ottenby lund is the largest continuous area of deciduous forest on southern Öland. This is noticeable. There is a peacefulness in walking under the trees. So do the cows, which often graze inside the grove. The walk takes you past the smaller wetland Prästtorpssjön and then out to the bird tower that looks out over the northern parts of Schäferiängarna. Both during the spring chorus of birds and during the autumn flocks of geese in the Schäferi meadows, nature experiences await you along the Norra Lund trail. In the grove, fallow deer are often seen wandering by. If you're lucky, you may be able to see the rut up close in the autumn. This is when the fallow deer fight for the territory in the reserve. It can get really wild!
Activities And Facilities
Near parking
Near toilet
Park at the North Lund parking lot. Then follow the yellow markings.
Email address
Matheus Tholin
Organization logotype
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