Round Lake Åsnen
- County: Kronobergs län
- 6795.88 km away from you
Trail details
- Length 140.0 km
- Difficulty Blue - medium
An approximately 140 km long bicycle route through the lovely surroundings of Lake Åsnen. More than half of this distance is completely free of cars, as the route follow old railway embankments, and passes both the cities of Växjö and Alvesta, as well as smaller towns like Ingelstad, Urshult and Torne, all of which have a good selection of overnight accommodations. There are many points of natural and cultural interest that the route passes in its journey around the beautiful Lake Åsnen. These include Sweden’s newest national park, as well as several nature reserves and the early industrial community of Huseby bruk. On the former narrow- gauge railway track to Ingelstad, horse riders are required to use the western side, whilst bicyclists must remain in the eastern lane.
Activities And Facilities
- Biking
- Circular trail
En fin mix av grus och asfalt, ofta på bilfria vägar.
Varierad cykling med en del mindre backar på delsträckan genom Alvesta kommun. Relativt flackt och lättcyklat på delsträckan genom Växjö kommun.
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