Bathing place Midingsbråte - Mien
- County: Kronobergs län
- 6838.62 km away from you
Take a bath at the bathing place in Mindingsbråte in Lake Mien. This bathing area has received a high rating and many positive reviews via Here you will find a bathing place in a scenic location with a large grass area in the southern part of the lake. At the bathing place there is parking, playground, toilets, barbecue area, changing cabins and a small kiosk during the summer season. The sandy beach is approximately 20 meters long and the visibility depth in the lake is approximately 5 meters.
Did you know that Mien was created by a meteorite impact? Geophysicist Herbert Henkel has written about Mien - the curious follow the external link.
Activities And Facilities
Near parking
Near toilet
Park at the specified parking area next to the bathroom.
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