
Fågeltorn, Huliesjön


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Huliesjön is a very shallow and nutrient-rich lake. During low water levels, mudbanks are exposed, which serve as excellent resting places for waders during spring and fall migration. At normal water levels, 50 percent of the lake’s area consists of clear water. In the northern and western parts, there is a relatively large reed belt. Mixed-character shoreline forests surround almost the entire lake.


So far, 217 species have been observed at the lake and its surroundings, of which approximately 75 species are considered annual breeders.

Breeding birds: Among regular breeders, we can mention mute swan, great crested grebe, water rail, common sandpiper, wood sandpiper, common snipe, and reed warbler (approximately 20 pairs). Occasional breeders include tufted duck, coot, moorhen, little ringed plover, redshank, kingfisher, and bearded tit.

Migratory birds: During spring and fall, there is a good migration of raptors and cranes over the area. When water levels are low, many waders rest here. In total, 33 different wader species have been observed.

Winter: Since the channel through the lake remains open during winter, some overwintering birds gather there. Small flocks of whooper swan, common pochard, mallard, common goldeneye, and dipper are regularly seen. Some years also see overwintering species like common scoter, eider, coot, grey heron, kingfisher, and bearded tit.

Occasional visitors: Smew, dotterel, dunlin, jack snipe, woodcock, marsh harrier, great crested grebe, spotted redshank, marsh sandpiper, peregrine falcon, white-winged tern, eagle owl, sedge warbler, grasshopper warbler, yellowhammer, and pine bunting. The booming call of the bittern is often heard in the reeds.

Other observations: Otters have been observed at the lake during several winters.

BIRDWATCHING TIPS: The best overview of the lake can be obtained from the birdwatching tower. The best time to visit the lake is during spring and fall. In July, when water levels are often low, you can see many resting waders if the weather is suitable.

Text from Ljungby Bird Club

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