Sortera mera i gröna miljöer
Sedan länge finns många fina sorteringskärl och moderna sopkärl med talfunktion i välbesökta parker och utmed gröna stråk i Växjö. En nyhet är de 10…
The most beloved green area of Växjö's residents bears the name of Linné (Linnaeus). For four years (1724-1727), the world-famous botanist studied at the Karoliner Gymnasiet next to the Cathedral. Today, the park next to the Cathedral includes everything from a concert stage to gardens for cactuses and based on other plant themes. Carl Linnaeus's other accomplishments are also noted. Between the concert stage and Teleborgsvägen, signs explain his sexual system for classifying plants. Several of the birds and plants that he named are also represented in the park. There are hawfinches amongst the hornbeams. The meadow to the southwest has almond blossoms, cowslips and vernal grass.
Central Växjö next to the cathedral.
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