Nature reserve

Råön, Nature reserve

Nature reserve

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The nature reserve covers parts of the eastern side of the island. Within the area, there is a Stone Age settlement and a larger clearance cairn area that indicates the location of older dwellings and land use. On the island, you can follow a trail that passes through the beautiful beech forest and the area with ancient fields.

The reserve, which has been protected since 2006, contains both beech, deciduous, and coniferous mixed forests. The greatest natural values are found in the old beech forest, which has a rich flora of tree-dwelling mosses and lichens. The oldest beech trees here are probably more than 200 years old. Examples of endangered species that grow on the trunks of the old trees are lungwort lichen, small pale spike, beech wart lichen, and beech feather moss. The forest also contains a lot of dead wood, which is an important habitat for many wood-dwelling fungi and insects.

In the western part of the reserve, where mostly spruce grows, and in the forests along the shores, there is also a lot of dead wood in various stages of decomposition and older trees that favor a rich plant and animal life.

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  • Nature reserve Nature reserve


Protection year: 2006.

Area: 28 hectares of land.

Character: beech forest, deciduous mixed forest, coniferous natural forest.

Municipality: Ljungby.


The nature reserve is located just off the shore of Bolmstad but the island can only be reached by boat.


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