STF Singi Mountain cabin
- County: Norrbottens län
- 6387.08 km away from you
STF Singi is a good starting point for those who want to go up Kebnekaise’s south peak during the winter. Other alpine ski tours in the area are Stour Jerta and the peaks of Stour Avrrik and Unna Avrrik, which offer superb downhill skiing. The Sámi camp Kårtjevoulle, belonging to the Sámi village of Girjas, is located one kilometre from the cabin. Socially structured, a Sámi village or siida is a reindeer foraging area, a group for reindeer herding and a corporation working for the economic benefit of its members all in one.
This is how it works in a mountain cabin
Our mountain cabins offer a simple and authentic stay in multi-bedded rooms with self catering. The rooms are different sizes with bunk beds and usually heated by gas stoves. On site you will be greeted by a cabin manager. As a guest you chop wood, fetch water from the stream or lake, wash up and clean up after youself.
Here we have gathered all the information you need for a stay in one of our mountain cabins
Activities And Facilities
Security: A security room is open all year round. A helpline is available.
STF Singi is located on the Kungsleden trail, about 14 km west of Kebnekaise Fjällstation and about 33 km from the nearest road in Nikkaluokta. STF Singi can be reached from a number of nearby mountain huts, such as STF Kaitumjaure, which is about 13 km south of Singi, and STF Sälka, about 12 km north of Singi.
You can reach Nikkaluokta by car or bus from Kiruna. Read more about how to get to Nikkaluokta and Kebnekaise:
Mountain map:
Calazo mountain map Kebnekaisefjällen
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