Nature reserve

Bromossen nature reserve

Nature reserve

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The reserve is about 22 ha and is located 10 kilometers north of Kristbergs church in Motala. The area is part of a cluster of valuable forest areas that are characterized by rock and bog mosaics with sparse natural pine forest. The natural values are linked to the late-grown spruces, the old pines and the sparsely occurring mouldering wood of mainly pine.

The nature reserve is managed by Länsstyrelsen Östergötland.

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Activities And Facilities

  • Nature reserve Nature reserve


Storlek: 22,2 hektar

Skyddsår: 2009

Kommun: Motala

Markägare: Naturvårdsverket

Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen Östergötland


Road description: From Borensberg take the county road 211 north, after about 15 km turn left at Hättorp. Follow this route about 5 km, then take the left and drive in just over 3.7 km south. It is on the left side of the road.


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Hilda-Linn Berglund

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