Mallboden Café & Vandrarhem
- County: Östergötlands län
- 6731.92 km away from you
This place is temporarily closed
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Mallboden Café and Hostel has an idyllic location along the Göta Canal in the heart of Sweden's industrial cradle, Motala Verkstad. The premises have been used both as worker's housing and as sheds where templates for boat building were stored. Mallboden Café is a café and hostel that offers deals to those with a pilgrim pass.
Pilgrims Welcome: Yes, offers available to those with a pilgrim pass.
Season: Summer open (April-November)
Standard: Hostel
Number of beds: 8 apartments
Other accommodation info: Apartments with their own well-equipped kitchen. Toilets in the corridor as well as showers and toilets in a newly built service house.
Other facilities: Café
Distance: On the trail
Activities And Facilities
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