Hitta svampen!
Att börja plocka svamp kan kännas som en hög tröskel att ta sig över, men…
Nature reserve
Gryteskog’s most famous visitor attraction, Trollskogen, is shared with Prästaskogen Nature Reserve, which is right next door. The woodland is home to dwarf or twisted beech, which, with their unique growth form easily capture the imagination. A visit to Gryteskog can be combined with a visit to Prästaskogen and if you want to go for a long walk, you can also walk the Skrylleslingan on the Skåneleden Trail. Skrylleslingan is 15 km long and runs through several beautiful natural and cultural environments and nature reserves.
Bildat: 1959
Storlek: 18 hektar
Kommun: Lund
Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen Skåne
Skyddstyp: Naturreservat och Natura 2000
Visiting address: Brotorget 1, 221 00 Lund. Phone number: 046-359 50 00.
Civic Center in Lund
Medborgarcenter Lunds kommun
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