Nature reserve


Nature reserve

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The Fifång nature reserve includes the islands of Fifång, Oxnö and Korpen, as well as about 20 smaller islets and skerries in the Södertälje archipelago. The reserve offers beautiful harbours and nature in a historically rich landscape.

The vegetation here is mainly characterised by pine forests growing on exposed bedrock, but on Fifång and Korpen you'll find deciduous trees, spruce forest and alder fens. The coniferous forest is home to birds such as the white-tailed eagle and European nightjar, as well as many unusual fungi species. This is also great place to fish for herring, and the shallow sea bottoms here are an important spawning ground for fish.

The only building on the islands, with fields dating back to the 1500s, can be found on Fifång. Here, you will also see sparse stands of old oaks covered in lichens, pollarded (pruned) ash trees, shallow ocean bays and grazed shore meadows and pastures. The limestone-rich soils provide an ideal habitat for wildflowers, such as black pea, coralroot bittercress and wood sanicle. On the eastern side of Fifång, there is a deep and smooth "giant's kettle" in the rock.

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Activities And Facilities

  • Nature reserve Nature reserve


Skyddat sedan: 1999, reviderat 2005

Storlek:1 721 hektar varav 242 hektar land

Karaktär: skärgård, marina miljöer och blandskog

Kommun: Södertälje

Markägare: staten

Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen

Skyddsform: naturreservat

Övrigt: Natura 2000-område Fifång SE0110101


Since there is no regular transit out to the reserve so the best way to get there is by private boat. There is a protected harbor at the southern end of Fifång island, with piers managed by the Södertälje Boating Society.


In order to protect the Fifång nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. drill, cut, blast, carve, dig, paint or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
  2. break branches, fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees and bushes,
  3. dig up plants such as shrubs, herbaceous plants, grasses, mosses or lichens, or remove fungi growing on wood, or pull up underwater vegetation,
  4. disturb wildlife (e.g. by climbing nesting trees, trapping or killing mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians),
  5. bring dogs not on a leash,
  6. anchor a boat for more than two consecutive nights in the same place (anchoring at a pier is allowed),
  7. camp for more than two consecutive nights in the same place,
  8. make a fire outside of designated sites,
  9. perform ship-to-ship (STS) cargo transfer,
  10. use chemical treatments for oil decontamination.


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Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm

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