
Parking and entrance to Rösaringsåsen


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Varning halkrisk

Observera att bilvägen som leder in till reservatets besöksparkering inte vinterunderhålls. Det kan vara mycket halt! Från Låssa (busshållplatsen/kyrkan) är det 1,6 kilometer till reservatet, för den som vill lämna bilen och promenera.


There is a large parking lot for visitors at the Rösaringsåsen nature reserve. Hiking trails in the area start here.

By the parking lot, there are two picnic tables and an informational sign about the reserve.

Get here by public transport

Activities And Facilities

  • Bench Bench
  • Entrance Entrance
  • Information Information
  • Parking Parking


Skyddat sedan: 2015

Storlek: 97 hektar

Karaktär: barrskog, geologisk formation, kulturmiljö

Kommun: Upplands-Bro

Ägare: privat

Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen

Skyddsform: naturreservat

Övrigt: Natura 2000 område Rösaringsåsen SE 0110152


From Låssa, follow Rösaringsvägen road. Take a right onto Sandavägen road towards the reserve and parking lot.


In order to protect the Rösaringsåsen nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. drill, dig, cut, blast or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
  2. break branches, fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees and bushes or remove dead wood,
  3. dig up plants, such as shrubs and herbaceous vegetation or pick mosses, lichens and fungi growing on wood,
  4. bring dogs that are not on a leash,
  5. make a fire outside of designated sites.


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Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm


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