Nature reserve

Stora Uringe

Nature reserve

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Stora Uringe, a small forest reserve, is likely one of the most undiscovered reserves in the county. The reserve is made up of relatively untouched mixed forests with plenty of dead wood, creating ideal conditions for many rare species of fungi, mosses and lichens. Green shield-moss and mushrooms, such as the gilded brittlegill, crown coral and beaked earthstar, can be found here. The northern parts of the reserve have rocky slopes and a steep rock face.

There is no parking lot, entrance or trails in the reserve. Instead, you get to explore the area on your own.

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Activities And Facilities

  • Nature reserve Nature reserve


Skyddat sedan: 2015

Storlek: 12 hektar

Karaktär: barrskog, blandskog

Kommun: Botkyrka

Markägare: DeLaval International AB

Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen

Skyddsform: naturreservat


Stora Uringe nature reserve is located about 500 m southwest of the Stora Uringe manor house and about 6 km southeast of Vårsta, Botkyrka municipality.

The reserve has no designated parking lot or entrance.

By public transit: The closest bus stop is Stora Uringe skola at Route 257, about 1 km from the reserve. For current information on public transit, see:


In order to protect the Stora Uringe nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. dig, cut, drill, or in any other way damage rock, soil or stone,
  2. fell or damage living or dead trees or bushes,
  3. damage vegetation by digging up plants,
  4. camp for more than two consecutive nights.


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Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm

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