Pilgrim Trail

Pilgrimsleden, stretch through the Arvika municipality

Pilgrim Trail

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Trail details

  • Length 56.0 km
  • Time 14 h
  • Difficulty Green - simple



Pilgrimsleden Västra Värmland, starting in Västergötland, goes via Lurö and continues across Värmlandsnäs through Säffle, Arvika and Eda municipalities to the Norwegian border. On the Norwegian side it continues towards Trondheim, former Nidaros.

Throughout Arvika municipality, the St Olof's (St Olav's) Cross on wooden posts will guide you all the way from Stömne in the South, at the Säffle border, up to Krokebol in the North East, by the Eda border. The markings are the same as for other Pilgrim's Trails in Sweden and Norway.

The trail mainly goes through easy terrain, but some stretches follow common roads to connect the 56 km through Arvika. You will experience all sorts of surroundings - meadows, farm land, small villages, gravel roads, asphalt roads, forest roads, forest paths, historic and cultural landmarks.

To read more or download information and maps of the Pilgrimsleden Västra Värmland from Lurö to the Norwegian border, please visit: www.svenskakyrkan.se/arvika

To find out more about pilgrim life and trails in Sweden, please visit: www.pilgrimisverige.se

Get here by public transport


    Arvika Turistbyrå, Storgatan 22

    671 31 Arvika


Activities And Facilities

  • Hiking Hiking
  • Archaeological Archaeological
  • Pilgrim Trail Pilgrim Trail


The trail passes through all kinds of terrain - meadows, agricultural land, small communities, gravel roads, asphalt roads, forest roads, forest trails and past cultural historical landmarks. Often the substrate is old marsh roads with grass in the middle, but also single-coated logs, forest trails and asphalt or gravel roads for car traffic.


Mostly flat and easily wandered land, but along some forest parties, the rise may be a bit more powerful, such as the Majsak plain in Sölje.


Ledens riktning är enligt pilgrimstraditionen från söder mot norr, för att slutligen nå Nidaros/Trondheim.

Delet mot Säffle kommun, long 12,782 / lat 59,406 Ledens passage över kommungränsen ligger längs en mindre grusväg, intill Torrgårdshöjden. Närmaste allmänna och rymliga parkeringsplats är cirka 2 km norr om delet vid Stömne naturreservat. Hit kan man även ta buss 103 Arvika-Stömne. För tidtabeller se Värmlandstrafik (varmlandstrafik.se).

Om man väljer att gå i sydlig riktning från delet mot Eda kommun är koordinaterna för startpunkten i Krokebol long 12,326 / lat 59,699. Busslinje 104 Arvika-Koppom-Årjäng kör förbi Krokebol. För tidtabell se länken ovan.




Visit Arvika
Arvika Turistbyrå, Storgatan 22
SE 671 31 Arvika


Email address

Visit Arvika

+46 570 817 90


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