Nature reserve
- County: Västerbottens län
- 6504.4 km away from you
In Buberget, tufts of yellow wolf lichen brighten up the mire’s dry pines. The wolf lichen is our only toxic lichen, and for this reason is one of the few lichens to have been used by people. Burberget represents the most northerly occurrence of the lichen in the country.
Skiing in the taiga
Bird numbers in the forest are currently falling. Close to towns, for example, the Siberian jay cannot cope with the competition from other members of the crow family. The Siberian jay prefers dense forest far from nest-plundering birds. Buberget is an example of the type of forest landscape that capercaillies, Siberian jays, willow tits and other birds need in order to survive. You have the chance to meet them here, so why not take the opportunity during a winter skiing trip. With a little luck, you might also get to track lynxes, wolverines and pine martens.
Fire in Buberget
Buberget is mainly home to sparse mixed forest, with birches and spruces on shallow slopes. The reserve bears traces of several forest fires: charred tree stumps and fire scarring in the trees. The most recent fire occurred in around 1900. The forest was probably burned intentionally in order to improve the forest pasture. Most of the existing forest in the area is around a hundred years old and probably started growing after this fire. The mires in Buberget are full of dry pines. These were probably also killed by the fire in 1900. Storstensmyren in the south is a magnificent mire of the highest quality in this landscape of mires.
Most northerly wolf lichens
It is said that the wolf lichen has been used as poison against wolves and foxes. The lichen contains an acid that attacks the nervous system and causes respiratory paralysis. The lichen was mashed together with crushed glass and placed in carrion. We never cease to be amazed at man’s inventiveness when it comes to killing animals. All of Buberget’s greyish-white, dead and barkless pines are an ideal environment for the wolf lichen.
Activities And Facilities
Nature reserve
The reserve is situated 3 km north of Pauträsk in Storuman municipality. The area can easily be reached from Route 45, Skarvsjöby, or from the E12, Åskilje. It is easy to hike or ski into the area from the road that crosses the reserve.
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Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten
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