- County: Västra Götalands län
- 6678.52 km away from you
Upplevelseplatsen Kvarnfallet (Experience point Kvarnfallet) is located in an area of exciting Tiveden landscape and has a rich cultural history. It is a cosy and welcoming picnic spot and a starting point for hiking trails of varying lengths and difficulty.
Experience Tiveden countryside with a hike that offers dverse landscape and at the same time peace and tranquillity for the soul. You can choose between different trails here that are colour-coded and well signed.
- Yellow trail length: 3.2 km Level of difficulty: medium Markers: The trail follows yellow signs Start and Finish: Upplevelseplatsen Kvarnfallet Info: The trail passes through landscape, including an area with remnants of charcoal production, charcoal kiln and hut, and a nature reserve.
- Blue trail length: 6 km Level of difficulty: sometimes demanding Markers: The trail follows blue signs Start and Finish: Upplevelseplatsen Kvarnfallet (alternatively by Lake Narven’s bathing area)
- Red trail length: 1 km Level of difficulty: Easy (circa 80 m rough terrain in the middle of the trail) Markers: The trail follows red signs Start and Finish: Upplevelseplatsen Kvarnfallet
- Red trail length: 8.7 km alternatively 10.5 km level of difficulty: Medium Markers: The trail follows red signs Start and Finish: Gårdsjö Mill. It is also possible to start by Lake Narven’s bathing area and then extend the length of the trail from 1.8 km to 10.5 km. Thus you first follow the blue trail for circa 900 m until you connect with the red and go the same way back on the blue trail. Info: Winding trail around Gårdsjön lake of which large sections are forest paths.
Upplevelseplatsen Kvarnfallet is a naturally beautiful and very tranquil place, quite perfect for a lovely excursion. This place has an ancient history which is reflected among other things by charcoal huts and pits and a restored dam as it looked in the 1600s.
For a pleasant break or BBQ stop, bring along a picnic basket, there are several seats and benches, three provided BBQ areas and windbreak. The site is accessible with footpaths to the pond, BBQ area and charcoal-making site. There is also a dry toilet.
An excursion to Kvarnfallet can be favourably combined with a visit to the Högsåsen Nature Reserve and a dip in Lake Narven. Högsåsen is a little nature reserve, characterised by a centuries-old cultural landscape in forest surroundings.
Lake Narven is an idyllic and naturally beautiful forest bathing spot. There is also a BBQ provided here.
Activities And Facilities
Hitta till Kvarnfallet Kvarnfallet vid Högsåsen naturreservat ligger ca 10 km nordost om Hova. Vid Hova svänger du av E20 och följer skyltningen till Gårdsjö. Forsätt vägen genom samhället Gårdsjö genom att följa skyltningen mot Högsåsen. Kvarnfallet är skyltat ca 1,8 km efter Gårdsjö, här svänger du in till vänster.
På samma väg, ca 1,5 km efter Gårdsjö är avfarten till badplatsen Narven skyltad, den ligger på högra sidan av vägen.
Det finns ingen kollektivtrafik från Gårdsjö till Kvarnfallet. Från tågstationen i Gårdsjö är det 2,6 km och tar det cirka en halv timme att gå dit.
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