
Amiralitetsparken och Amiralitetsklockstapeln


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



Amiralitetsparken, the admiralty park, was laid out in 1885-87 by the naval shipyard’s head gardener C K Åsbrink. The park is designed around its trees and besides linden, which is the dominant species, more than twenty other types of tree are represented.

The northern part of the park was originally a square where two radiating streets merged. The middle part, where the admiralty clock tower stands today is the site of the Wachtmeister bastion. Demolished in the 1780s, the bastion was an impressive fortress intended to protect the naval port and the shipyard.

The Naval Port of Karlskrona was inscribed on UNESCO’s list of unmissable World Heritage Sites in 1998.

Read more about the World Heritage Site and find all the places that form part of it in the article about the Naval Port of Karlskrona.

Source: Visit Karlskrona

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