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Nav | Trossö - Karlskrona


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



Trossö is one of ARK56’s hubs. The hubs are where different trails intersect, making them a good place to start or end your adventure – or to swap mode of transport and continue exploring the Blekinge Archipelago by bike, kayak, boat, ferry or on foot.

Trossö is one of the islands that make up Karlskrona. Karl XI envisaged Karlskrona being the new capital of Sweden, which is easy to see in the city’s magnificent architecture and the star-shaped street layout. The Naval Port of Karlskrona is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is packed with history and culture to see and explore here by the sea.

The town is easily explored on foot, by bike or on Skärgårdstrafiken’s ferries. Outside the town, there is a unique archipelago with islands shaped by history, where the forest meets the sea.

ARK56 and the Blekinge Archipelago spread out in front of you. Round the cape or headland, a unique environment awaits, shaped by nature, animals and people for thousands of years. Come and explore.

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Blekinge Arkipelag Kurpromenaden 4 372 36 Ronneby


Team ARK56


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