
Trefaldighetskyrkan - Tyska Kyrkan


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Trefaldighetskyrkan, the church of the Holy Trinity on Stortorget, is usually said to be the most magnificent building in Karlskrona.

It is also known as the German Church as until 1846 it was the church of Karlskrona’s German congregation.

The church was designed by Nicodemus Tessin the younger and was based on the Pantheon in Rome. The church was consecrated in 1709 and it was largely completed by 1750. The Kalrskrona fire of 1790 destroyed the church. It took 12 years to rebuild it. When the church was finally rebuilt, it looked slightly different. The cupola was simpler and had been designed by professor Olof Tempelman. The portico in the north was not completed in line with Tessin’s drawings until 1862.

The church is part of the Naval Port of Karlskrona, inscribed on UNESCO’s list of unmissable World Heritage Sites in 1998.

Read more about the World Heritage Site and find all the places that form part of it in the article about the Naval Port of Karlskrona.

Source: Visit Karlskrona

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