
STF Klacksörarna Skärgårdsstugor Söderhamn


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



Klacksörarna can best be described as a small archipelago in itself, consisting of six islands and many skerries. Land elevation has caused Tallskär to unite with Storskäret, and Klubben to unite with Gåsharen. Two other islands, Nordvästen and Oren, are also becoming united with Storskäret. The islands that creates Klacksörarna are low, with old sea walls that are a fair distance from the sea in some cases. The beaches are dominated by gravel and shingle. The bathing facilities on Storskäret are good, with small sandy beaches in several places, and rocks on the north-eastern side.

The north-western side of Storskäret is home to a guest jetty with composting toilets, waste collection facilities and barbecue sites close by. The three most recent cabins built by the municipality were completed during the autumn of 2008, and are located a few hundred metres from the guest jetty, close to the beach. Services, a jetty and a wood-fired sauna are also located here.
The island has no electricity; stoves and fridges are run on gas. There is freshwater for cooking and cleaning, but you need to bring drinking water!

Changeover time for the rented cabins on Klacksörarna: Noon

Reaching Klacksörarna by taxi boat: Please book transportation when you book your accommodation.

During the season the boat runs on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
Departure from the Skärså jetty at approximately 11:00 am
Return trip leaves Klacksörarna at approximately 12:00 pm.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä


    Stenö Havsbad

    826 73 Sandarne


Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Boende Boende


Located two hours north of Arlanda airport. Train and bus connections available. There is a taxiboat going to and from the islands, passage can be booked in connection with your reservation.

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