STF Lunndörren Fjällstuga
- Kunta: Jämtlands län
- 6404.15 km päässä sinusta
The Lunndörr pass is an old riding trail that was used for over a thousand years, providing an important link between Jämtland and Härjedalen. The postal horse path for King Carl XI went here between the sconce at Duved and Långå. A grave from the Viking Age was discovered on the trail in the northern part of the pass a few kilometres from the cabin.From the cabin, it’s popular to make your way to Issjö Valley to look at the natural pyramids that remain as traces from the Ice Age.
This is how it works in a mountain cabin
Our mountain cabins offer a simple and authentic stay in multi-bedded rooms with self catering. The rooms are different sizes with bunk beds and usually heated by gas stoves. On site you will be greeted by a cabin manager. As a guest you chop wood, fetch water from the stream or lake, wash up and clean up after youself.
Here we have gathered all the information you need for a stay in one of our mountain cabins
Toimintaa ja tilat
- Boende
STF Lunndörren is located south of Vålådalen and is part of so-called Vålådalsfyrkanten, or “Vålådalen rectangle”. It is easiest to get here from Vålådalen or Vallbo, located respectively 14 km and 12 km from Lunndörren.
Car parking facilities are available in Vallbo and Vålådalen. You can also go by train to Undersåker and continue from there by bus. For more information, see
For more information on Vålådalsfyrkanten, see
Mountain map:
Calazo mountain map Vålådalen, Lunndörren & Oviksfjällen
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