
Vandringsleder i Lundsbo Bokskog


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 3.7 km
  • Vaikeuksia Vihreä - yksinkertainen



In the Lundsbo Bokskog Nature Reserve there is an entire system of paths to traverse. Here you can walk, hike, jog, ride a mountain bike or push a wheelchair or pram. The paths go through a beautiful and lush beech forest interspersed with conifers. Enjoy the wonderful nature and take a break either at Lundsbo Torp, in the surrounds of the cultural landscape, or at the impressive Kepsmacken wind shelter up on the hill, where there is also a barbecue area. The paths are adapted for accessibility. They are about three metres wide and have hard-packed gravel surfaces.

If you want to hike a little further, you can take a connecting path to Rusarebo Äng Nature Reserve where there are other paths – 2 km from the path system in Lundsbo Bokskog. The markings on this connecting path will be added soon.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Vaellusreitit Vaellusreitit
  • Mountainbike Mountainbike
  • Löpning Löpning
  • Promenad Promenad


  • Barnvagnstillgängligt Barnvagnstillgängligt
  • Rullstolsvänligt Rullstolsvänligt


There are car parks at the southern entrance to the reserve and at Lundsbo torp.


From Bor: Take Gällarydsvägen road towards Ohs and Gällaryd. When you leave the community of Bor, after a few hundred metres there is a sign indicating that you should turn left towards Lundsbo. Then follow the signs for Lundsbo for about 1.5 km until you reach the first car park for the nature reserve.

Ota yhteyttä


Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun Kyrktorget 1, 331 83 Värnamo Telefon 0370-37 70 00


Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun

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