
Jungnerholmarna, Fliseryd


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 0.8 km
  • Vaikeuksia Vihreä - yksinkertainen



The word “scenic” is rarely more justified than when describing the nature of Jungnerholmarna. Water from the river Emån flows through the lush recreational area which is of great cultural-historical interest.

Water and greenery

The Jungerholmarna landscape is stunning. Follow the river Emån with stretches of fast currents alternating with sections of gently flowing dark water. During large parts of the year the river is surrounded by bright, ethereal greenery. A harmony walk for the soul!

Rich forest

The old, mixed deciduous forest on Jungnerholmarna is important for the preservation of threatened species. Unusual wood-living beetles as well as many rare lichens, mosses, and fungi thrive here. In spring and summer you can enjoy the floral splendour in the sparse forest. Liverwort, cowslip, and coralroot are some of the plants that grow in the rich soil.

From work to recreation

The islets are named after the engineer and inventor Waldemar Jungner. Today we associate Jungnerholmarna not only with industrial, but also with outdoor activities. Footpaths, places for swimming and grilling, grass areas for ball games and playing. And as in many other places in Mönsterås Municipality, the river Emån provides fine opportunities for paddling and angling.



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