
Banvall Lenhovda - Sävsjöström


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)

Polun yksityiskohdat

  • Pituus 8.0 km
  • Vaikeuksia Vihreä - yksinkertainen



Sävsjöström used to be the home for the most modern sawmill in Kronoberg. It was called Framnässågen and you can still see the remains of the jitties that were used to transport the lumber. The sawmill was an important producer of railway sleepers that were used to build the railways in the nearby areas. The sawmill had one big by-product: charcoal. The charcoal was shipped away to different parts of Sweden were there were bigger industries that needed it.

There are many remains from old houses and small farms. Keep a lookout for traditional garden bushes like lilac and gooseberry that hints where you can find foundations of old houses.

A perfect stop for a break (or maybe a swim?) is Pinudden. Its only an extra kilometre but the detour it’s worth it!

In 1919s did the navvies work hard in Singeltorp. They were rock blasting to make way for the new railroad. In the mountain can you see a time inscription that says “1919 11/11”.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Cykling Cykling
  • Vaellusreitit Vaellusreitit
  • Löpning Löpning
  • Promenad Promenad
  • Kulturstig Kulturstig


This bike trail used to be a railway. The project to make this a bike trail instead was funded partially with money from European Regional Development Fund.

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