
Bolmstad hamn


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)


Tämä paikka on tilapäisesti suljettu

Tämä tila on äskettäin muuttunut, eikä se välttämättä ole ajan tasalla tai oikea. Katso aina yrityksestä ajantasaiset tiedot.


Welcome to Bolmstad Boat & Harbor Association, a non-profit organization that operates a smaller harbor with 185 boat berths. The harbor is located by Lake Bolmen, Sweden’s 12th largest lake, approximately a 10-minute drive from Ljungby. In the harbor, you’ll find a clubhouse with facilities and a green area. During the summer months, we also have a café.

Experience the lake life of Bolmen with your own boat, or why not rent a boat or canoe? Cruise on Storsjön (the Great Lake) with a sailboat or enjoy a peaceful kayak trip. Beautiful coves invite exciting beach excursions. Fine sandy beaches and rocky islets entice you for a swim. With its 365 islands in this legendary lake, it’s easy to find your own favorite spot. For those arriving with their own boat, there are several guest harbors to choose from or islands where you can make beach landings.

Lake Bolmen is one of Sweden’s largest freshwater lakes and is a popular destination for sailing due to its crystal-clear water, surrounding greenery, and tranquil atmosphere. It’s easy to understand why so many choose to spend their leisure time here.

One of the great advantages of sailing on Lake Bolmen is the opportunity to visit many charming beaches. Whether you’re looking for a secluded bay or a lively beach with plenty of activities, there’s something for everyone.

For adventure enthusiasts, sailing on Storsjön is a powerful and impressive experience. With its immense size and depth, the lake poses a challenge even for the most experienced sailors. A sailing trip on Storsjön can become one of the most memorable experiences of the summer.

The southern part of the lake is a water protection area, subject to specific regulations.

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Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä


    Bolmstad 2

    341 96 Ljungby



  • Måndag: Suljettu
  • Tisdag: Suljettu
  • Onsdag: Suljettu
  • Torsdag: Suljettu
  • Fredag: Suljettu
  • Lördag: 14:00 - 17:00
  • Söndag: 14:00 - 17:00


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Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Båtramp Båtramp
  • Dricksvatten Dricksvatten
  • Gästhamn Gästhamn
  • Brygga Brygga
  • Toalett Toalett

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