
Nöttja bokskogs domänreservat, Naturreservat


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



The 5-hectare Nöttja beech forest nature reserve is located in Ljungby municipality. The old deciduous forest here is dominated by beech but also includes oak, maple, and aspen. Nöttja beech forest has been protected since 1960 and became a nature reserve in 1996.

The reserve contains some dead trees. There are also old trees that once stood in a more open landscape. The fact that the landscape was more open can be seen in their wide tree crowns, unlike trees that have grown in dense forest. Remnants of small fields and clearance cairns also reveal that at least parts of the area have been cultivated. In the eastern part of the area, the height slopes steeply down towards a wetland dominated by birch and alder.

There is an abundance of lily of the valley in the reserve. There are also rare lichens such as lungwort lichen and barnacle lichen.

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Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Luonnonsuojelualue Luonnonsuojelualue


Designation year: 1996.

Area: 5.5 hectares.

Character: Deciduous forest, wetland with alder and birch.

Municipality: Ljungby


Drive south on E4 and take the exit at Hamneda. Continue straight on road 530 and turn left onto road 525 at Nöttja. Then drive past Bölminge on road 525 and turn left at Staverhult. Follow the well-marked road until you reach your destination.

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