
Stora Pene


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



Stora Pene makes a fine base for outings. The islands and shores of Lake Helgasjön serve as a lovely backdrop to a pleasant picnic area with grills. Tranquil paths and trails lead you to discoveries. Despite the proximity to Växjö, the city is not visible from here. Large pines tower over hidden bathing inlets. There is also a nudist beach in the area. Black-throated divers, ospreys, common terns and common sandpipers thrive along Lake Helgasjön. From the beech forest toward the east, you can often hear wood warblers and hawfinches. The Växjö Runt (Round Växjö) bicycle route passes here and you can also launch you canoe to begin your journey on water along the Värendsleden canoe route.

Tänne julkisilla liikennevälineillä

Toimintaa ja tilat

  • Arvokas luonto Arvokas luonto
  • Cyklar-vänlig Cyklar-vänlig
  • Förening/Klubbstuga Förening/Klubbstuga
  • Dricksvatten Dricksvatten
  • Entré Entré
  • Grillplats/Eldplats Grillplats/Eldplats
  • Information Information
  • Rastplats Rastplats
  • Vindskydd Vindskydd
  • Bänkbord Bänkbord
  • Naturbad Naturbad


  • Nära parkering Nära parkering
  • Nära toalett Nära toalett


Earth Week in Växjö 2021 - here in Stora Pene there is a stormwater pond that captures stormwater from Hovshaga before it is discharged into Lake Helga. In the pond, the water is purified from oil pollution and other dirt. The purification is done with the help of various plants and that the dirt sinks to the bottom, so-called sedimentation. As stormwater ponds are mainly used to treat dirty stormwater, they are not suitable for swimming or fishing. The design of the stormwater pond in Stora Pene contributes to biodiversity and increased recreational value in Hovshaga nature reserve.


Large reserve parking lot nearby


Stora Pene can be found along Lake Helgasjön, northwest of the Hovshaga district. If you cycle Växjö Runt, you pass this place a few hundred meters north of Ryttartorpet.

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