


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



If you didn't visit Sannerud you didn't visit Tiveden. Make a visit or two to Sannerud, sometimes also called Tived. Here you will find an old general store with food. You could buy a big piece of the famous smoked 'Tiveds skinkan' in the local shop. During the summer, you can drink coffee or eat a light lunch at the cafe. Also take a look in the tourist cabin. Facts about Sannerud About 70 residents. Included in Laxå municipality.

The last Saturday of August every year a very special local market is organised: Sannerudsmarken with hundreds of traders, artisans and food and coffee shops. It usually comes up 10 000 visitors. Several auktions are organised during the summer.

Art-in-ring is a combined art and jogging trail through the forest and it is based behind the old school building. From the village starts are also several cycling and walking routes. Take a short walk down to the lake Unden where you will find a small beach and a harbor for small boats. Please visit the church. It was built in 1847 by villagers in just seven weeks. No other church in Sweden has been built so quickly!

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